Cyber Threat Intelligence Weekly Newsletter
Les sujets de cybersécurité les plus mentionnés cette semaine ont été couverts dans cette article d’information : les derniers développements, les cyberattaques, les violations de données, les vulnérabilités récentes, les informations sur les menaces, etc.
Dark Web Insights
Global Hackers Tried to Break Into Tasmania Police Accounts “More Than 800 Times”
Credentials Exposed for Majority of US Financial Firm Employees
Hackers are Targeting This Microsoft Windows Installer Flaw, Say Security Researchers
Three Charged Over Alleged Money Laundering and Drug Trafficking on the Dark Web
Michigan Woman Admits Using “” to Try to Kill Ex
Critical Vulnerabilities
Trending Threat Actors
Trending Threat Actors
Marine Services Giant Hit by Clop Ransomware
New Memento Ransomware Uses Password-Protected WinRAR Archives to Block Access to the Files
APT C-23 Hackers Using New Android Spyware Variant to Target Middle East Users
Iran’s Top Tier Airline Mahan Air Hit by Hooshyarane Vatan Cyberattack
North Korea-Linked Zinc Group Posed as Samsung Recruiters to Target Security Firms
Important Cybersecurity News
Interpol Arrests Over 1,000 Suspects Linked to Cybercrime
Utah Medical Group Discloses Data Breach Affecting Over 580,000 Patients
The US Government Warns Critical Infrastructure of Ransomware Attacks During Holidays
9.3M+ Androids Running “Malicious” Games from Huawei AppGallery
Common Cloud Misconfigurations Exploited in Minutes
Apple Files Lawsuit Against NSO Group Over Pegasus Spyware
Hackers Target Biomanufacturing with Stealthy Tardigrade Malware